2024 PLAYSOCCER Denver & AYSO PLAY! Community Clinic Series comes to the Colorado Rockies

What a wonderful day spent with the Denver community at the 2024 PLAYSOCCER event beneath the breathtaking backdrop of the Colorado Rockies. A heartfelt thank you to all volunteers whose dedication ensured the success of the event. From welcoming the community, setting up fields and games at Soccer City, and above all, helping the kids have fun, your participation and efforts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all the coaches who helped create an inviting, encouraging, and enjoyable soccer experience for over 150 kids!

We had several special guests in attendance, including:

  • Curtis Gardner and Emily Fay from the Colorado Soccer Foundation
  • Jordan Clark from Iron Sharp Community Foundation
  • Heidi Burgett, Matt Crocker, Anna Lavis, Jaspreet Rehal, and Shari Summers from the U.S. Soccer Federation
  • Juliana Zavala from Chicago Public Schools

The PLAYSOCCER event was followed by the U.S. Soccer + AYSO PLAY! Community Clinic Series. With four additional events held over three days, the initiative successfully reached another 365 participants. Between PLAYSOCCER and the Community Clinics, AYSO now has a strong foundation for ongoing AYSO programming in the Denver area, ultimately bringing more soccer to more kids.